Prepositions of movement indicate direction. Essentially, they describe how something or someone moves from one place to another.

Over indicates a movement in or at position above. Over indicates that something is in motion at a higher position than something else. It also can be used when talking about movement across a surface. Example: There is a plane flying over Paris.
Up indicates a movement from a lower towards a higher point. Example: John is climbing up the hill.
Down indicates a descending direction, from a higher to a lower point. Example: I saw Jane walking down the street.
Across refers to moving from one side to another; getting to the other side. Example: There is a dog walking across the street. Go across the bridge and turn left.
Through refers to moving directly inside something with limits on top, bottom and the sides, and out the other end. Example: We have to drive through the tunnel.
To/ Towards indicate movement in the direction of something. Example: The cat goes towards the tree. I am driving to school.
Into refers to entering or looking inside something. It indicates movement to the inside/ interior of something. Example: We should go into the tents, it’s about to rain.
Out of refers a movement from the inside to the outside. Example: The students are going out of the classroom.
Onto indicates a movement to the top of something. Example: The cat jumped onto the table.
From indicates a starting point, a source; movement away from. Example: My friend comes from London.
Around or round indicates a movement in a circular way. Example: Let’s dance around the campfire.
Along is used to show movement of something in a line that follows the side of something long. Example: Let’s have a walk along the beach.
Off indicates a movement often down from something. Example: The cowboy fell off the horse. The cat jumped off the table.
Past indicates movement from one side to the other side of something. Example: I walked past your house without seeing you.
Against is used in the sense of touching or supporting. Example: He was leaning against the wall.
From…to show the place where someone or something starts and ends. Example: I fly from Madrid to London.
Away indicates the point where a movement begins. Example: John is running away from the forest.
Under indicates movement directly below something. Example: The cat is running under the table. 

Can you write some sentences using the prepositions of movement learnt in this topic?


  1. - A plane is flying over my house.
    - The balloon is going up.
    - I'm running down the mountain.
    - We're flying across the country.
    - She went through the tunel.
    - I'm going to the shopping center/ Drive towards the right.
    - I'm going into the water.
    - They are moving out of town.
    - Let's jump onto this train.
    - He's travelling from Madrid to London.
    - She's staying around Seville.
    - They all walked along the river.
    - I fell off the bike
    - She walked past me and didn't even say hello.
    - He pushed him against the wall.
    - We walked from Alájar to Linares.
    - Kate is trying to run away from her problems.
    - James is hiding under the table.

  2. Hello teacher.
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    Turn left here toward that farm, Michael is away on an assignment,She passed her certification this past weekend,Maybe the party was already over,Place the valve insert onto a clean surface,Your mic wasn't off during sound check,Destiny weaves a strange rope around us,Next time look under the bed,The path along the river is completely flooded,A shelf fell across the door,E-mail: Mail form trough the website.


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