
Showing posts from April, 2020


A tense is a form of a verb which shows the time at which an action happens. A Simple tense is a form of a verb that simply shows when the action takes place: The Simple Past is a form of the verb that shows the action took place in the past. Example: Lisa danced yesterday. The Simple Present is a form of the verb that shows the action takes place in the present. Example: Lisa dances every day. The Simple Future is a form of the verb that shows the action will take place in the future. Example: Lisa will dance tomorrow.  A Progressive tense is a form of a verb that shows the action is in progress . Or in other words, that it continues: The Past Progressive is a form of the verb that shows the action was in progress at some time in the past. Example: Lisa was dancing yesterday at 8 o'clock. The Present Progressive is a form of the verb that shows the action is in progress in the present. Example: Lisa is dancing right now. The Future Progre


The Present Perfect Continuous or Progressive (has/ have + been + V-ing) is a form of the verb that shows the duration of an action that started in the past and continues until now.   Example: I have been working in London for five years. Temporary actions happening recently or lately. Example: I have been eating a lot of chocolate lately. She has been studying a lot this week because she has an English test. They have been working in Manchester for the past two weeks.   Actions that recently stopped that have clear evidence or results now. Example: I’m tired. I’ve been working all day.  The Past Perfect Continuous (had + been + V-ing) tense is used to express something that started in the past and continued until another time or action in the past.   Example:   I had been waiting for an hour when the bus finally arrived. They had been watching birds before it started to rain. To express the duration of an activity in the past to a point in the past. Example: She